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Staff Video #8 - An ACE Score of One

Go to Video Gallery Added Jun 11, 2020
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An ACE Score of One - An Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) is any potentially traumatic event that occurs in childhood. Trauma is an event that is scary, upsetting, confusing where we feel a loss of control and possibly a sense of not feeling safe. - Youth who experience trauma can develop trauma symptoms or what we call PTSD, but only about 20% do! We can mitigate that risk and directly increase resiliency. - Counter ACES include: Liking school, having teachers and school staff who care, opportunities to have fun, predictable home routine, feeling comfortable with themselves, having a caregiver they feel safe with, having good neighbors and friends. - A stressed brain is not a learning brain. Think about for next year ways to increase connection with students. Email me at [email protected] if you want to consult about ways to do that!
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    We are all having a lot of big emotions right now, that is normal and OK!

    With this pandemic, we are not able to do many things we were really looking forward to like the end of a sports season, prom, graduation, or job opportunity.

    We had dreams of how things would be and it is so disappointing to not be able to have those dreams realized.

    When you feel disappointed, you can shift your focus to being kind to others or doing a hobby. It won’t make all the disappointment go away but it will definitely help.

    We are all going to get through this together!

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