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Go to Video Gallery Added Dec 06, 2020
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This 3-minute video for parents features Mental Health Therapist Stephanie Dann talking about motivation. Consider these questions: 1) How can I help my student believe they will be successful? 2) How can I increase the value of the activity for my student? - Goal-setting conversations - elementary: short-term/daily and specific choices, middle school: longer-term weekly goals and break into smaller parts, high school: long-term self-directed goals. - Track progress and make a plan for when your student gets stuck. Talk about how the goal relates to things your student values. - With rewards, focus on effort and not results as well as be specific about what you are rewarding. Challenge: Have a goal setting conversation this week with your student!
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    This 2 minute video for caregivers features Elk Ridge Elementary School Office Manager Kim Cutright sharing about disappointment.

    We are all having a lot of big emotions right now, that is normal and OK!

    With this pandemic, we are not able to do many things we were really looking forward to like the end of a sports season, prom, graduation, or job opportunity.

    We had dreams of how things would be and it is so disappointing to not be able to have those dreams realized.

    When you feel disappointed, you can shift your focus to being kind to others or doing a hobby. It won’t make all the disappointment go away but it will definitely help.

    We are all going to get through this together!

    Challenge: When you feel disappointment this week, try to do one kind act for someone or get into a hobby. Notice how this impacts how you feel.

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