White River School District 416 Home

Superintendent's Message

Welcome to the White River School District where tradition and innovation intersect to promote a culture of continuous improvement committed to our mission of ensuring high levels of learning for each student and preparing them for success after high school. We offer a wide range of opportunities to learn and grow that meet the unique needs of students at all levels encompassing each of the four A’s: Academics, Athletics, Activities, and the Arts. We take pride in the fact that White River is consistently recognized at the local, state, and national level as a leader in school improvement and sustained academic excellence. On behalf of an amazing team of dedicated educational professionals and with the support of an incredible community, we welcome you as a valued partner. 

Recent news & Upcoming events

School Menus

School Menus

School breakfast and lunch menus are now accessed using a new platform, nutrislice.
First day of school!

Back to School Time!

The first day of school is approaching and we are looking forward to welcoming students back! Please be on the lookout for more details about some upcoming events from your schools in the next couple of weeks.
School Supplies

School Supplies

Standard student and classroom supplies (pencils, crayons, notebooks, paper, glue, scissors, etc.) will be provided for all elementary and middle school students.

School Board Meeting

Time: 5:30 PM – 7 PM
Location: DDC Boardroom and via Zoom, White River District Offices-1-DDC Board Room (60)