Business Office » Accident/Injury & Return to Work Program

Accident/Injury & Return to Work Program

Accident & Incident Reporting


In the event of an accident or incident, please call 1-833-928-6877

Return to Work Program

The District is dedicated to providing a safe and healthful work environment for all employees and strives for the prevention of work-related injuries.
Should a work injury occur, the District has developed a Work Injury Process that includes a team approach to assist employees with prompt, quality medical treatment and a safe and successful return to work.
Prior to returning to work, an employee must submit a provider's release to return to work either with or without restrictions.  If modified duty (restrictions) is requested, it must be approved before reporting to work.  The release must be submitted to the Payroll Return to Work Coordinators (Cindy Shepherd or Dawn Duran) to determine the next steps and a possible return to work date. 


Time Loss Leave Claim Form

Employees who are injured on the job and will be off work for more than three days following the date of injury, may be eligible to supplement their time-loss benefits with sick, personal, and/or vacation,  leave accrual benefit. If an employee is found eligible for time loss payments, the employee has a choice on how they wish to supplement the time loss payments. The required Leave Claim Form should be completed at the time of filing a claim. 

If you have questions regarding forms, please contact your Payroll/Return to Work Coordinator for further assistance.