Health Services Department

The White River School District Health Services Department is led by our District Nurse Supervisor, Kelsy Jacobs, RN.  Together, our team of RN's, LPN's and other trained health clerks work together to promote and support the health of our students to optimize their education. 
When to keep your child home? We follow the guidance of our local health authority, Tacoma Pierce County Health Department

School Year Form Information

Individualized Health Care Plan / Emergency Care Plan
Your child's Individualized Health Care Plan or Emergency Care Plan is required to be updated at the start of each year. You can print a copy of your child's existing plan through your Family Access.  Please update, sign, and turn in the copy to the nurse at your child's school.
Medication In School
At the beginning of every school year, a new Physicians Order for Medication in School Form must be filled out by your Licensed Health Care Provider and turned in to your child's school nurse on or before the first day of school.
White River School District Board Policy 3416 addresses Medication at School and is found below

Life-Threatening Health Conditions
A law enacted in Washington State mandates that all students with a life threatening health condition (Asthma, Life Threatening Allergies, Diabetes, Seizure Disorder etc.) must have their medication and treatment orders along with a Health Care Plan in place in order to attend school. 
State law requires any student diagnosed with a life-threatening health condition to have a medication or treatment order in place with the school, prior to that student being allowed to attend. (RCS28A.210.320)
Student Immunizations
White River School District Board Policy 3413 addresses Student Immunizations. This policy is in accordance with Washington State Law and addresses information specific to immunization requirements.   The Washington Department of Health Certificate of Immunization Status, required on enrollment and referenced in the district's board policy can be found in the Health Services Student Forms links below.
Please remember that in order for your child to obtain their class schedule, immunizations must be current, or a Certificate of Exemption signed by your physician must be on file.
School and Child Care Immunizations Information for Families, as provided by the Washington State Department of Health.
Students New to District
If your child has any health concerns such as asthma, anaphylaxis, seizures or diabetes, please contact the nurse at your child's school. 
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Meningococcal Disease Prevention
Washington State Legislature requires us to make information available to parents/guardians about HPV and Meningococcal Disease. Know the facts about these diseases and the vaccinations available to protect your child. 
For more information on HPV, cervical cancer, meningococcal disease, and vaccines, please see the websites below: