Community Activities Program » Camp Rapid - Summer Day Camp

Camp Rapid - Summer Day Camp

Thank you for another amazing summer everyone! 
We will begin planning for next year and hope to be able to post information by March 2025!

Q: Where is Camp Rapid located?

A: Camp Rapid is hosted at one of the elementary schools throughout the White River School District. Current year information is available on the Community Activities website by March.

Q: What types of activities will my child do while at camp?

A: At camp, we engage participants through different types of creative play. Including arts & crafts, group games, STEAM activities and sports. We also take 1-2 field trips or have guest appearances throughout each week of camp.

Q: What are the age requirements for camp?

A: We provide care for students who are enrolled in Full Day Kindergarten(& 5 by Sept. 1) - 5th grade. Grades are based on the current year. Full day Kindergarten does not include students who are enrolled in the Transition to Kindergarten program. 5th grade includes those moving up to the middle school for the next school year. 

Q: How are kids grouped together at camp?

A: At camp, we aim to keep participants grouped together by grade or age. Typically groups will be Kindergarten & 1st, 2nd & 3rd, 4th & 5th. Depending on how many participants in each grade for the week we may mix them up a bit more with Kindergarten - 2nd & 3rd - 5th being options.

Q: What does a typical day of camp look like?

A: 6 - 8:30am Arrival & free time

8:30 - 9am Cleanup and get ready for groups (finish up morning snacks, use bathroom, fill water bottles, apply sunscreen)

9am - 9:30 Morning Meeting, Go over schedule, Break out into groups

9:30 - 11:30 Group Rotations

11:30 - 12:30 Lunch and free time

12:30 - 2:30 Group Rotations

2:30 - 3 Cleanup and get ready for pickup

3 - 6pm Parent Pickup

Field trip day schedules will vary depending on the time for bus pickup and would typically happen during mid day in the slot for Group Rotations. 

Q: What happens if my child gets injured while at camp?

A: Camp staff will treat all minor injuries and parents will be notified at pickup. For any injuries where staff may determine that a camper should seek further treatment, a parent/guardian will be called immediately. Depending on the severity, we may ask for a camper to be picked up. All head bumps will receive a call to the parent and the parent may determine if the child should be picked up. 

Q: My child takes daily meds. Are camp staff able to administer medication?

A: Yes! All staff will go through health training with our district nurse. At this time, we will have designated staff who are able to take in medication and administer to your child. If your child attends WRSD, please notify your school nurse to inform them of your child needing their medication paperwork forwarded to the CAP department.

Q: Does my child need to wear sunscreen?

A: We ask that all families send their child to camp with their own sunscreen labeled with their name. It is the parent’s responsibility to make sure their child is wearing sunscreen prior to arrival. Camp counselors will designate times throughout the day in their groups to remind and encourage campers to reapply sunscreen but they are not allowed to apply sunscreen to campers nor can we force campers to wear it. 

Note: For parents with young campers, please take time to show your child how to apply sunscreen at home for practice.

Q: What items should I make sure my child has for camp?

A: 1. Campers should have a water bottle, morning snack, lunch and sunscreen every day. Afternoon snacks will be provided by camp.

  1. Swimsuit and towel for field trips to water features. Students can wear their swimsuit under their clothes when arriving at camp and should bring a change of clothes for when they return to camp(campers will not be permitted to change their clothes in public restrooms on field trips).
  2. Athletic shoes are the best choice as we will be doing many activities that require a lot of movement. Tennis shoes or water shoes are the best choices. Please no flip flops, thong sandals or jelly sandals. 

Q: What should my child wear for camp?

A: We recommend wearing clothes that are comfortable to play in and something you don’t mind getting dirty. For shoes we recommend wearing tennis shoes or water sandals (Please no thong sandals/flip flops). Students should also bring a light jacket or sweatshirt. Optional items would be sunglasses or a hat. Please label all of your child’s items with their names.

Q: What items are not allowed at camp?

A: All personal items are not allowed at camp. We ask that all personal belongings remain at home. Items include:

Toys and other valuables (including cell phones and electronics)

Toy weapons, knives and guns are not permitted.

Campers should not bring money on field trips.


Camp staff are not responsible for holding items that should not be brought to camp, or if they are lost or stolen.

Q: Will we receive any information about what to expect each week of camp?

A: A camp flyer will be emailed to families the Friday before each week of camp. The flyer will include information about field trips, activities and updates regarding information/reminders at camp. These flyers will also include bus departure times. 

Q: We paid a deposit for a week of camp but no longer can attend. What should we do and will I receive a refund for the deposit?

A: We ask that parents/guardians contact the CAP office as soon as they know they will not be attending any weeks of camp so that we can contact families from the waitlist. Camp deposits are non refundable and non transferable. 

Q: My child is on the waiting list for a specific week. How will I be notified?

A: Whenever there is an opening for any week of camp, we immediately begin contacting families from the waitlist by phone.

Full Day Kindergarten - 5th Grade
(based on the 2023-2024 school year)
Camp Location & Hours:
Elk Ridge Elementary
340 White River Park Road
Buckley, WA 98321
6:00AM - 6:00PM
For more information contact:
Jason Keliher
Kirstin Wigton