Human Resources » Practicums, Student Teaching & Internships

Practicums, Student Teaching & Internships

White River Schools (WRSD) is happy to partner with colleges and universities to place students for observations/practicum, student teaching and internships.
In order to be considered for placement in one of our schools, the student's university or college must contact White River's placement coordinator, Tina Ritz (360-829-3823 or via email) and have required information on file.
  • Current university contract/agreement with WRSD addendum
  • Liability insurance
Students must submit all required documentation via email to be considered for placement:
  • University overview of level of program being requested
  • Student's resume and cover letter
  • Proof of current fingerprints 
  • Apply through the WRSD online application system
State of Washington requires everyone who has contact with students in a school setting to be fingerprinted prior to starting their assignments.  Individuals will not be allowed into the classroom without proof of current fingerprints.
  • Fall (August-December)  - June 1
  • Winter (January-March)  -  November 1
  • Spring (April - June) - February 1
Depending on the student's program, WRSD Human Resources and principals will work together to determine student placement based on the following criteria:
  • Availability of qualified staff/teacher(s) in requested areas 
  • School's availability to take a student
  • Agreement of an individual cooperating teacher following a review of candidate materials and/or meeting
We will make every effort to place students at their requested location or with their requested mentor/principal.  If the request cannot be met, we will forward the request to all remaining schools accepting student teacher in the subject/level.