Rules & Policies

Bee Safe, Bee Respectful, Bee Responsible
Bus Rules
Insubordination/willful disobedience – Students must obey the instruction of the bus driver or any other district personnel. Direct verbal assault toward the driver or intentional exiting of the bus at a stop other than their own is strictly prohibited.
Disruptive conduct – Conduct that materially and substantially interferes with the safety and well-being of any person or persons on the school bus including, but not limited to, the use of excessive noise or aggressive play is inappropriate behavior and is prohibited.
Fighting – The use of physical force (hitting or striking someone with the intent to hurt them) or threatening the use of physical force against another on the school bus or at a school bus stop is prohibited.
Tobacco – Students will not smoke or be in possession of any tobacco products on the bus or at school bus stops.
Spitting – Spitting is prohibited on the school bus.
Eating, drinking, and gum chewing – There will be no eating, drinking, or gum chewing on the bus during regularly scheduled runs. Arrangements will be made in advance for eating regular meals while on field trips.
Lewdness (vulgar, obscene, rude, and disrespectful language) – The use of profanity, sexual, foul or obscene language and/or gestures, obscene materials, or any type of verbal assault is prohibited.
Sitting improperly – Everyone is to remain seated and face forward at all times while the bus is in motion. A student may be given an assigned seat.
Correct name – Students shall give their names promptly and willingly when asked by the bus driver. Bus passes are required prior to being allowed to: a) Board or leave the bus except at the student’s regular stop b) Ride a bus other than the one the student is assigned; and c) All bus passes are subject to available space.
Tampering with equipment – Tampering with any bus controls or equipment is prohibited.
Weapons – the possession or use of weapons or items intended to inflict bodily harm or injury are strictly prohibited.
Theft – Taking anything that belongs to someone else without the permission of the owner is unlawful and prohibited.
Vandalism – The willful act of causing physical damage to the school bus or property belonging to someone else is prohibited. The student, parent, or guardian for any damage to a school bus must reimburse the White River School District.
Arson – The intentional setting or causing a fire for the purpose of damaging property that would endanger the safety or welfare of other students on the school bus, including but not limited to, the striking and lighting of matches, lighters, or sparking devices is prohibited.
Illegal drugs and stimulants – The possession, use or sale of a controlled substance as stated under the Uniform Controlled Substance Act are prohibited.
Assault - Physical or verbal attack or threat is prohibited.
Bus Riders Safety
Students must leave home early enough to arrive at the bus stop five (5) minutes before the bus is due, but no earlier than five (5) minutes.
Students are to remain at a safe distance from the bus until it is completely stopped, at least six (6) to ten (10) feet. Playing in the roadway is not acceptable.
Students shall not cross the roadway until driver has given consent. Students must cross only in front of the bus, never behind the bus.
Bus aisles are to be kept clear at all times. All materials will be stowed under the seat, or carried on student's lap.
Bus windows are to be left closed unless the driver grants permission to open them. Windows should not be opened more than three (3) notches. Students shall not throw anything out of bus windows.
Bus passes are required prior to being allowed to: (a) Board or leave the bus except at the student's regular stop. (b) Ride a bus other than the one the student is assigned. (c) All bus passes are subject to available space.
Additional items that may cause injury to others, such as breakable &/or glass containers, straps, pins extending from clothing are not allowed on the bus. Also, no animal, reptile, fish or fowl is permitted on the bus except Service-Guide dogs.
If a bus has a seat belt, it must be used.
Law prohibits tampering with any bus controls or equipment.
Bus Conduct Policy
At the beginning of each school year every student is given a copy of the White River School District Transportation Department Bus Conduct Expectations. When, in the opinion of the bus driver, there has been an infraction of the rules and reasonable steps have been taken to discourage or prevent any re-occurrence of misconduct the following procedures will apply:
The bus driver will complete a report of the incident.
The white copy will be provided to the student with instructions to be taken home to parents or guardians for signature.
The white copy, signed by a parent or guardian, must be returned to the school bus driver for reinstatement to ride any school bus.
Elementary students who do not return a signed bus discipline referral report will be transported by the driver to school. Driver will call parent and instruct parent that student will not be transported the next day unless parent signs form or sends a note stating they received the notice. Secondary level policy is no signed forms, no ride.
Zero Tolerance
Harassment, fighting assault and/or spitting are all behaviors that may cause injury to others.
- Theft of any property.
Tobacco: Student will not smoke or be in possession of any tobacco products on the bus or at the bus stop.
Lighting matches, lighters or sparking devices is prohibited.
Weapons, arson, illegal drugs or vandalism will result in referral to school and police.(Vandalism: The student, parent or guardian must reimburse the White River School District for any damage to a school bus).
Lewdness: Vulgar, obscene, rude and disrespectful language, use of profanity, sexual, foul or obscene gestures, materials or any type of verbal assault is prohibited.
Student who has received warnings, been excluded from bus for five (5) days, and persists in unacceptable behavior.
Any other serious behavior that poses an immediate danger to driver and/or students.
A parent/guardian conference with transportation personnel, driver and student may occur on an "AUTOMATIC EXCLUSION FROM THE BUS"