English Language Learners
The White River School District is committed to ensuring an equal educational opportunity for every student. The district’s ELL (English Language Learner) certified teachers, together with classroom instructional staff and support staff, provides English Language Development support and services to both eligible students and students who have transitioned to language fluency, to achieve high academic standards. ELL eligible students have a primary language other than English and have been determined eligible based on the WIDA English Language Proficiency Assessment.
ELL services are provided through a combination of local funds and funds provided by the State of Washington, Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction Transitional/Bilingual Instructional Program (TBIP)
Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction Multilingual Education Program Website
You will find information about White River School District English Learning Language in the links below.
Qualifying for ELL Services
Student Eligibility and Placement
Eligibility begins with the administration of a Home Language Survey to determine if a language other than English is spoken at home and if the child first spoke a language other than English.
If the child speaks a language other than English, the student’s English language ability is measured with the English Language Proficiency Screener within the student’s first 10 days of attendance.
Students scoring at the Emerging or Progressing levels are eligible for TBIP services. Students who score at the Proficient Level are not eligible for services.
Under federal guidelines, parents must be informed of student placement in a language program within 30 days of placement.
ELL Continued Eligibility
As is required by state and federal regulations, all ELL qualified students are assessed annually to establish continued eligibility or to exit students who have reached the Proficient (fluency) Level.
ELL students, K-12, are assessed in reading, writing, listening and speaking to determine their level of fluency. The assessment window takes place during February and March of each year and is administered through our district's assessment coordinator’s office.
Academic Support
The Center for Improvement of Student Learning (CISL) provides translated ELL Family support resources.
Through the US Department of Education, the "Helping Your Child Series" provides parents with the tools and information necessary to help children succeed. Here you will find lessons and activities to help your school-aged and preschool children develop many skills to support academic success. (Available in English and Spanish).
The Superintendent of Public Instruction has provided A Guide for Students and Families - English as a Second Language and Bilingual Education that provides information for parents about their children learning English in Washington State Schools.
Colorin Colorado is a bilingual website with many Academic Support resources available to include What You Can Do At Home and Guides and Tool Kits for Learning English at Home